Abstract bronze sculpture of bull

Life-size custom garden bronze statue for sale

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Bronze statue

Abstract bronze sculpture of bull

At once mesmerizing and puzzling, this swooping abstract bronze sculpture of a bull may defy categorization for a few moments, during which the viewer is pulled into the piece’s world with fascination. The green-tinted hues resemble a spotlight, the kind that a work of art like this might have in a museum exhibition, and it anchors the bizarre visuals with a tangible sense of place.

Decorate your backyard with custom bronze statue

Pleasantly symmetrical and also gently rounded, the bronze sculpture may represent an animal famous for its unstoppable power, but the piece itself has a softer, more approachable quality. By invoking the image of the bull while appearing visually much less intimidating than one, it allows viewers to bask in the strength of its subject with no fear.

Bronze statue
Bronze statue